Snapshots 20th Century Mother-Daughter Fiction
- (Coedited with Joyce Carol Oates, David R. Godine Publishers, Hardcover and Trade Paperback, November 2000. UK Edition Vintage Books, Trade Paperback, April 2001. Italian Edition available from Marco Tropea.)
- Table of Contents:
- "Wicked Girl" by Isabel Allende
"Consuelo's Letter" by Julia Alvarez
"Significant Moments in the Life of My Mother" by Margaret Atwood
"The Allies" by Katherine Dunn
"Cleaning Up" by Mary Gordon
"La Lloradora" by Lois Gould
"An Ordinary Woman" by Bette Greene
"Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid
"Solitude" by Ursula K. Le Guin
"How to Talk to Your Mother (Notes)" by Lorrie Moore
"Kiswana Browne" by Gloria Naylor
"A Rose in the Heart of New York" by Edna O'Brien
"Mousetrap" by Jane Shapiro
"Up Above Diamond City" by Martha Soukup
"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker
"Death Mother" by Joyce Carol Oates
"Everything Old Is New Again" by Janet Berliner
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David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination
- (HarperPrism, November 1996, coedited with David Copperfield; with help from Martin H. Greenberg.)
Beyond Imagination is also available in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (from Colombus), Poland (from Rebis), Greece (I'd tell you the name of the publisher, but it's Greek to me), and Indonesia (from Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama).
Table of Contents:
- Preface by Raymond E. Feist
Introduction by David Copperfield
"Eagle" by David Copperfield
"16 Mins." by Eric Lustbader
"Disillusion" by Edward Bryant
"The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of" by Tad Williams
"The Allies" by Katherine Dunn
"The Magician of Karakosk" by Peter S. Beagle
"The N Auntie" by Anne McCaffrey
"The Fall of the House of Escher" by Greg Bear
"Chin Oil" by George Guthridge
"Crossing Into the Empire" by Robert Silverberg
"Natasha's Bedroom" by Robyn Carr
"TechnoMagic" by Kevin J. Anderson
"The Queen of Hearts and Swords" by Karen Joy Fowler
"The Invisibles" by Charles de Lint
"A Cascade of Lies" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories" by Neil Gaiman
"Humpty Dumpty Was a Runner" by Janet Berliner
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David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible
- (HarperPrism, November 1995, coedited with David Copperfield; with help from Martin H. Greenberg.)
Tales of the Impossible is also available in China (Beijing Reader's Cultural and Arts Co. Ltd.), the Czech Republic and Slovakia (from Colombus), Greece (Esotropon), Indonesia (from Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama), and Poland (from Rebis).
Table of Contents:
- Preface by Dean Koontz
Introduction by David Copperfield
"Snow" by David Copperfield
"Quicker Than The Eye" by Ray Bradbury
"The Conversion of Tegujai Batir" by Jack Kirby
"Diamonds Aren't Forever" by S.P. Somtow
"Just Like Normal People" by Kevin J. Anderson
"The Singing Tree" by Eric Lustbader
"The Hand-Puppet" by Joyce Carol Oates
" " by F. Paul Wilson
"Switch" by Lucy Taylor
"The Eighth of December" by Dave Smeds
"Expert Advice" by Larry Bond
"Geroldo's Incredible Trick" by Raymond E. Feist
"Dealing With the Devil" by Robert Weinberg
"Every Mystery Unexplained" by Lisa Mason
"Just a Little Bug" by P.D. Cacek
"In the Teeth of Glory" by Dave Wolverton
"The Last Vanish" by Matthew J. Costello
"Indigo Moon" by Janet Berliner
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Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn
- (Coedited with Peter S. Beagle; with help from Martin H. Greenberg. HarperPrism, Hardcover, October 1995.)
Immortal Unicorn was released in two paperback volumes, December 1998 and May 1999. Each volume contains a selection of stories from the hardcover edition, plus one original story by one of the editors.
- Table of Contents, Volume 1:
"Taken He Cannot Be" by Will Shetterly
"What the Eye Sees, What the Heart Feels" by Robert Devereaux
"Old One-Antler" by Michael Armstrong
"Stampede of Light" by Marina Fitch
"Gilgamesh Recidivus" by P.D. Cacek
"Big Dogs, Strange Days" by Edward Bryant
"The Tenth Worthy" by Susan Shwartz
"Daughter of the Tao" by Lisa Mason
"The Devil on Myrtle Ave." by Eric Lustbader
"Dame à la Licorne" by Judith Tarr
"Convergence" by Lucy Taylor
"The Day of Sounding of Josh M'bobwe: A Read-aloud Tale" by Janet Berliner
"The Trouble with Unicorns" by Nancy Willard
"Professor Gottesman and the Indian Rhinoceros" by Peter S. Beagle
- Table of Contents, Volume 2:
"Sea Dreams" by Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta
"Julie's Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle
"The Same But Different" by Janet Berliner
"Seven for a Secret" by Charles de Lint
"The Brew" by Karen Joy Fowler
"Mirror of Lop Nor" by George Guthridge
"The Hunt of the Unicorn" by Ellen Kushner
"Winter Requiem" by Michael Marano
"A Rare Breed" by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
"A Plague of Unicorns" by Robert Sheckley
"Survivor" by Dave Smeds
"A Thief in the Night" by S.P. Somtow
"Half-Grandma" by Melanie Tem
"Three Duets for Virgin and Nosehorn" by Tad Williams
"We Blazed" by Dave Wolverton
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Desire Burn: Women's Stories from the Dark Side of Passion
- (Coedited with Uwe Luserke and Martin H. Greenberg, Carroll & Graf, trade paperback, September 1995, ISBN .)
- Table of Contents:
- "Castoff" by Janet Berliner
"The Arbitrary Placement of Walls" by Martha Soukup
"Having Keith" by Martha Soukup
"The Other Woman" by Lois Tilton
"Woodworker" by Nancy Kilpatrick
"Near-Flesh" by Katherine Dunn
"Letter, Lover" by Joyce Carol Oates
"Do I Dare To Ask Your Name" by Esther M. Freisner
"Remnants" by Deidra Cox
"Patent Pending" by Jan Barrette
"The Lonely Heart" by Dawn Dunn
"The Sixth Sentinel" by Poppy Z. Brite
"The Banks of the River" by Marina Fitch
"Wife of Fifty Years" by Melanie Tem
"Windowsitting" by Lucy Taylor
"Felicitas" by Lisa Mason
"Johnny Canada" by T. Dianne Slatton
"Mime Games" by P.D. Cacek
"The Midwife" by Cynthia Ward
"Heat" by Nancy Holder
"Salon Satin" by Carolyn Banks
"A Touch of the Old Lilith" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
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Teuflische Lust
- (DTV (Germany), paperback, March 1996, coedited with Uwe Luserke.)
- Table of Contents:
- "Mime Games" by P.D. Cacek
"Twist in the Tail" by Samantha Lee
"The Other Woman" by Lois Tilton
"Woodworker" by Nancy Kilpatrick
"The Sixth Sentinel" by Poppy Z. Brite
"Stephen" by Elizabeth Massie
"Avatar" by Janet Berliner
"The Blue Chair" by Tabitha King
"The Midwife" by Cynthia Ward
"Bug House" by Lisa Tuttle
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