Short Fiction
This is not a complete list of all short fiction Janet Berliner has ever written or sold, but will give you plenty of good reading. It should be noted that any story published prior to 1994 would have been under the byline "Janet Gluckman," and many of the stories published in 1994-95 were under the byline "Janet Berliner-Gluckman" to ease the transition back to Janet's birth name.
Several of Janet's stories are available in electronic format from Note that for odd technical reasons, Janet's name is listed as Berliner-Gluckman on all works on the FictionWise site.
Stories are listed in inverse date order, forthcoming works first, followed by most recent publications through older works.
For space reasons (too many collaborators), I have not listed the two round robin stories to which Janet contributed for Lone Wolf Publications' Red Red Robin Project charity anthology. Those two stories are "String Theory" and "In-Betweeners."
Happy reading. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Forthcoming Stories:
"The Eye of the Falcon"
- Extrapolated from THE HORDE!, an unpublished novel by Jack Kirby. In Frontlines, ed. Denise Little, DAW Books, 2007.
Stories in print:
"Give It Back to the Indians; or The Strange Tale of Way-Out Willie's Whorehouse and Ostrich Farm"
- On Amazon Shorts,, Nov. 2005.
"After The Flowering"
- In Little Red Riding Hood in the Big Bad City, ed. John Helfers and Martin H. Greenberg, DAW Books, May 2004.
- In Imaginings: An Anthology of Long Short Fiction, ed. Keith R. A. DeCandido, Pocket Books, August 2003.
"Jenny Kiss'd Me"
- On
"Until the Butterflies"
- In Lighthouse Hauntings, ed. George Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Down East Books, November 2002.
- In The Blue and the Gray Undercover, ed. Ed Gorman, Forge Books, December 2001. eBook edition available from
"Interview With a Mutant"
- In The Mutant Files, ed. John Helfers, DAW Books, August 2001. eBook edition available from
"Everything Old Is New Again"
- In Snapshots: 20th Century Mother-Daughter Fiction, ed. Joyce Carol Oates and Janet Berliner, David R. Godine, Publishers, November 2000. UK edition by Vintage Books, April 2001.
"Blossoms and Blood"
- In Murder Most Confederate, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Cumberland House, November 2000.
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In Exotic Locals. Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
"Eye of the Day"
- In Past Lives, Present Tense, ed. Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, ACE/Berkeley, November 1999.
"Pia and the King of Siam"
- In Future Crime, ed. Edward Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg, DAW Books, October 1999. eBook edition available from
- In Jerusalem by Night, a Vampire: The Dark Ages® sourcebook, White Wolf Game Studio, June 1999. Reprinted in Extremes (a limited edition CD-ROM anthology), ed. Brian A. Hopkins, Lone Wolf Publishing, December 1999; The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women, ed. Stephen Jones, US edition from Carroll & Graf, UK edition from Robinson, November 2001.
"Jerusalem Syndrome"
- In HWA Presents: Whitley Streiber's Aliens, ed. Whitley Streiber, Pocket Books, January 1999.
"The Day of Sounding of Josh M'bobwe: A Read-Aloud Tale"
- In Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn Volume I, ed. Peter S. Beagle and Janet Berliner, HarperPrism, paperback, December 1998.
"Amazing Grace: A Legs Cleveland Musical Production"
- In More Monsters From Memphis ed. Beecher Smith, Zapizdat Productions, trade paperback, December 1998.
- In HORRORS! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Dziemanowicz, Weinberg, and Greenberg, Barnes & Noble Books, October 1998.
"A Case For Justice"
- In Alternate Generals, ed. Harry Turtledove (with Roland J. Green, and Martin H. Greenberg), Baen Books, August 1998. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000. eBook edition available from
"Between Rock and a Hard Beat"
- Cowritten with Lawrence Schimel. In Gothic.Net Webzine, August 1998.
"Marimba: A Retelling"
- In Warrior Princesses, ed. Elizabeth Ann Scarborough and Martin H. Greenberg, DAW Books, May 1998.
"Something's Got to Give"
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In Marilyn: Shades of Blonde, ed. Carole Nelson Douglas, TOR /Forge, August 1997. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
"Notes Toward a Rumpled Stillskin"
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1997. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
"The I of the Eye of the Worm"
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In Love in Vein II, ed. Poppy Z. Brite, HarperPrism, trade paper, January 1997. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
"Humpty Dumpty Was a Runner"
- In David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination, ed. David Copperfield and Janet Berliner, HarperPrism, November 1996.
"Dance of the Python"
- In The Shimmering Door, ed. Katharine Kerr, HarperPrism, trade paper, August 1996. eBook edition available from
"The True Tale of the Final Battle of Umslopagaas the Zulu"
- In War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches ed. Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam, May 1996. eBook edition available from
"Indigo Moon"
- In David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible, ed. David Copperfield and Janet Berliner, HarperPrism, November 1995. eBook edition available from
"The Same But Different"
- In Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn, ed. Peter S. Beagle and Janet Berliner, HarperPrism, September 1995. eBook edition available from
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In Amazing Stories Anthology, ed. Kim Mohan, Tor, trade paper, May 1995. eBook edition available from
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In 100 Vicious Little Vampires, Anthology, Barnes and Noble Books, 1995. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. In 100 Wicked Little Witches, Anthology, Barnes and Noble Books, 1995. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
"Song of the Shofar,"
- Cowritten with George Guthridge. Sold to Far Frontiers but never published; Bizarre Bazaar 1994, March 1994, TAL Publications. Reprinted in Exotic Locals, Lone Wolf Publications, January 2000.
"Shadow of the Falcon"
- Cowritten with Jack Kirby. In Galaxy, Vol.1, Number 4, July/Aug. 1994.
"Perchance to Scream,"
- In Galaxy, Vol.1, No.2, March/April 1994.
"Wooden Heart"
- In The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem, ed. Paul Sammon, Delta, August 1994.
"Graveyard at the Grand"
- Rewritten version of "Beat the House", in Galaxy, Issue #3, 1994, Audio: GAP, 1995.
"Stapelton .45 Caliber Wheelchair,"
- In Crazy Akhbar's House of Pain, ed. Adam-Troy Castro, to benefit the HWA Hardship Fund, 1993.
"Beat the House"
- In Wildcat, Vol.3, No.2, whole issue 80. Reprinted in 1993 Midnight Zoo Calendar, Audio: GAP, 1995.
- In Shayol, Vol. 3, Number 1, whole issue 7. Reprinted in Midnight Zoo, Vol.1, Number 3, whole issue 3, and Desire Burn, ed. Janet Berliner, Uwe Luserke, and Martin H. Greenberg; Carroll & Graf, September 1995.
"A Passive Victim of a Random Genetic Accident"
- In Owlflight, No. 4. Reprinted in Future Earths: Under African Skies, ed. Mike Resnick and Gardner Dozois, DAW, 1993; and Extremes: Deepest Darkest Africa, ed. Brian A. Hopkins, Lone Wolf Publications, March 2001.
"And To Whom Do You Belong...?"
- In Pig Iron SF/Fantasy Anthology, P.I.Press.
"Little Wylie."
- In Darling, July 7, 1985, Zimbabwe.
"Ich Bin Kein Berliner: I Am Not A Berliner."
- In Ariadne's Thread, ed. Lyn Lifshin, Harper & Row, 1982.
- In Dragons of Darkness, ed. Orson Scott Card, Ace, 1981; Reprint: Bart Books; Audio: DAK.
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