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This is just a partial list of friends and associates of Janet. I'll add more as I get around to it.
- Joan Wulfsohn, as well as being a high school (well, the South African equivalent) friend of Janet's, is also a world-renowned bodywork therapist. You can also check out her daughter Mariamne's therapies and theraputic supplies.
- Of course, Janet's cohorts in the Daredevil's Club must be listed. Kevin J. Anderson has been a friend for more time than either care to admit, Matthew J. Costello is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys, and F. Paul Wilson is one of the brightest and funniest in a long line of bright and funny people that we've worked with.
- Game world slave Richard Dansky has proven to be a really cool guy, and a damn good writer. If you don't know him, check him out.
- Another in the long line of crazy people is friend and fellow ex-President of HWA, David Niall Wilson. The man writes too damn fast to write that well.
Janet is a member of the Authors Guild, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Charter Member of International Thriller Writers, and is a former president of the Horror Writers Association. She is also a member of the Council of the National Writer's Association.
Here are just a few links that we feel are relevant. A more complete list will be coming in the future. Links to the pages of people with whom Janet has worked, or who contributed to the anthologies can be found in the bibliography of anthologies, and elsewhere on this site.
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